The project partners conducted mapping of current situation and main challenges in local food distribution


Project "Baltic Sea Food" partners concluded the survey for mapping current situation and main challenges in local food distribution in their countries or regions. The aim of the survey is to collect as much information as possible, analyse the recieved information for the best possible outcome. The outcome is a business plan to help small businesses get their products quickly to hotels, restaurants and shops. This will result in restaurants and shops providing fresh local produce.

The Baltic Sea Food survey has now concluded. The survey was conducted in February 2018. All of the partner countries had a good number of participants, though the number varied quite a lot. We got useful information from the survey to go on with the next steps of our project. To get more background for the information we recieved from the survey, a focus group interviews were conducted. 

There were different views of the matter, making the interview process very interesting. As a very basic result, we figured out that a working business model for a distribution service and an e-platfrom, which allows to make orders and see the products available from each farmer, is needed. The number of participants in the survey and focus group interviews were different according to country but the general outcome of the needs, are similar. 

The next step in the project is to work out a business model that will be a base for all 10 partner countries. From this base, partnes will go on to develop this business model with local experts to get the best possible outcome for their regions. When the model has been worked out, it will be implemented in the pilot regions.

The national reports of the surveys can be found here:

The project "Baltic Sea Food" involves 14 organisations from 10 Baltic Sea countries. The “Baltic Sea Food” project is partially financed by the INTERREG Baltic Sea Programme 2014-2020.