WP 2 Mapping existing B2B distribution solutions in project area

Conducting a survey of existing local food distribution solutions.

Initial analyses show that problems and possibilities, which local food nets are facing in BSR countries, are similar. Therefore, it has been decided to join forces and knowledge to address problems that have not been solved by single country,region or organization. Before starting to offer new business model and solutions, the deep insight to the existing food nets in project area has to be done. Thus, in all participating countries/regions partners gather information about existing B2B cooperation and distribution solutions in local food sector in regional and/or local level. Partners gather the information about the main operation principles taking into consideration all parts of supply chain ("from the field to the kitchen"): product range, quality criterias, sales volumes, communication between farmers/logistic organization/clients, gathering information about the clients’ needs, route/logistics planning, storage of goods, making daily orders, the use of e-platforms, transport of the goods, handling payments, handling complaints and problems, marketing, marketing events/fairs supporting the model etc. Also information about most successful Business to Consumer (B2C) local food distribution solutions in project area demonstrating good results in some aspects will be analyzed. It is used as an example in creation of new business model for B2B distribution. The survey includes also detailed information about the available e-platforms in project area, which can be used by local food networks and distribution organizations as working tool for handling orders, storage and logistics planning etc.
The information will be gathered and preliminary analysis will be conducted in each participating country/region using joint methodology and approach, which will be agreed by partners in joint workshop (interviews with local food networks, online-survey among business to consumers networks, farmers and catering businesses, info search from web etc).
The joint report covering the results of the survey in all participating countries/regions is prepared by Lahti University of Applied Sciences in English. The translation of the report to local languages is the task of partners.
The conclusions of the survey highlights the success stories and key success factors, which are used further in designing of business model for local food networks in project area for B2B distribution. Also main problems of existing solutions and models are identified, which should be avoided when designing the model.

Introducing and discussing survey results with local food networks and stakeholders in project area.

Partners organize info seminars in their countries or regions presenting to all operating local food networks from their area the information about existing local fooddistribution solutions in project area (and in more detail information received from their own country) and main conclusions regarding future perspectives and newopportunities. The representatives of pilot regions present their experience in organizing B2B cooperation in local food sector, the lessons learned during joint study visitand also the expectations toward the new business model. The representatives of relevant regional/governmental organizations are invited to info seminars asstakeholders. They're expected to share their visions regarding better availability of locally grown food products in catering/tourism/retail sector. Info seminars includediscussion of main challenges related to the B2B distribution of local food products and best examples already used in project area, which might be applicable andrelevant also in other countries and regions.
Partners responsible organizing the info seminar in their country are responsible for recording the information, feedback and ideas presented by the participants and forcomposing the written report of the results of the seminar. The report includes the description of feedback/ideas of participating food networks and stakeholdersconcerning the arrangement of B2B local food distribution in their area- what are the steps and achievements made so far, what are from their point of view the goodexperiences of other participating regions/countries which can be transferable in their area (based on survey results), what are the main challenges in organizing B2B localfood distribution in their area and possible solutions to overcome these challenges, what are the main local specialities in their area which should be taken into account when planning the implementation of the business model for B2B local food distribution in their area.

The project "Baltic Sea Food" involves 14 organisations from 10 Baltic Sea countries. The “Baltic Sea Food” project is partially financed by the INTERREG Baltic Sea Programme 2014-2020.